director of photography

Richard Bell, ACS

Richard Bell is an ACS accredited Cinematographer.

Born in South Africa, Richard studied in Australia and won his first QLD Cinematographers Society Award in the student category, graduating with a Bachelor of Film and Screen Production from Griffith Film School.
Since then, he has worked internationally on a string of commercials, for leading brands such as Asics, Lurpak, Siemens, Tesco, McDonalds, and Glenfiddich.
His acclaimed work on these commercials has seen him win multiple Gold Awards from the ACS for Cinematography.
Along with these he has shot a number of music videos, and narrative films. The most recent of which is the feature film film A Good Woman Is Hard To Find, starring Sarah Bolger. The film has now been distributed worldwide, and continues to garner praise for its cinematography.

Richard’s beautiful cinematography caught the eye of our director during his search for the right DP for Chairs. At their first meeting at the BFI Southbank in London their shared vision for the film quickly became clear, with a number of identical references on the stylistic approach for the production. This symmetry continued through prep, culminating in a strong creative relationship during the shoot.